Haiping Wang (王海平)

I am currently a first-year PhD student in LIESMARS, Wuhan University supervised by Prof. Zhen Dong and Prof. Bisheng Yang. Previously, I obtained my B.Eng degree at SGG of Wuhan University. My research interest lies in the field of 3D Computer Vision, particularly including point cloud registration and 3D reconstruction. If you are interested in my research, feel free to contact me at hpwang@whu.edu.cn!
I am maintaining the group page of WHU-USI3DV, please check advancements on point cloud processing including registration, enhancement, localization, segmentation, detection, etc..

Recent News

  • 2024-04-13: Co-first author paper CC4D is accepted by IEEE TGRS!
  • 2024-01-16: FreeReg is accepted by ICLR 2024!
  • 2023-11-18: Our paper PatchAugNet is accepted by ISPRS J! Congratulate Xianghong Zou!
  • 2023-02-28: Our paper SGHR is accepted by CVPR 2023!
  • 2023-02-05: Our paper RoReg is accepted by IEEE TPAMI!
  • 2022-07-09: Our paper CG-SSD is accepted by ISPRS J!
  • 2022-06-30: Our paper YOHO is accepted by ACM MM 2022!


* denotes equal contributions and † denotes the corresponding author.

FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Bing Wang, Yujing Sun, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
ICLR 2024
[Paper] [Code] [Project-Page]
A novel method for registration of MLS and stereo reconstructed point clouds
Xiaochen Yang*, Haiping Wang*, Zhen Dong, Yuan Liu, Yuhao Li, Bisheng Yang
IEEE TGRS 2024 (IF: 8.2)
SparseDC: Depth Completion from sparse and non-uniform inputs
Chen Long, Wenxiao Zhang, Zhe Chen, Haiping Wang, Yuan Liu, Zhen Cao, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
arXiv 2023
[Paper] [Code]
PatchAugNet: Patch feature augmentation-based heterogeneous point cloud place recognition in large-scale street scenes
Xianghong Zou, Jianping Li, Yuan Wang, Fuxun Liang, Weitong Wu, Haiping Wang, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong
ISPRS J (IF: 12.7)
[Paper] [Code]
Robust Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Reliable Pose Graph Initialization and History Reweighting
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Yulan Guo, Yu-Shen Liu, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
CVPR 2023
[Paper] [Code] [Video]
RoReg: Pairwise Point Cloud Registration with Oriented Descriptors and Local Rotations
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Qingyong Hu, Bing Wang, Jianguo wang, Zhen Dong, Yulan Guo, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
IEEE TPAMI (IF: 24.314)
[Paper] [Code] [Project-page]
CG-SSD: Corner Guided Single Stage 3D Object Detection from LiDAR Point Cloud
Ruiqi Ma, Chi Chen, Bisheng Yang, Deren Li, Haiping Wang, Yangzi Cong, Zongtian Hu
ISPRS J (IF: 11.774)
[Paper] [Code]
You Only Hypothesize Once: Point Cloud Registration with Rotation-equivariant Descriptors
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang
ACM MultiMedia 2022
[Paper] [Code] [Project-page] [Video]

Review Services

[IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI)]
[IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG)]
[IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (IEEE TIM)]